
Portfolio Investing: Do You Know Where you are Right Now vs. Where You’re Headed?

CEOs do it’ athletes do it; in fact, anyone who needs to be able to achieve a certain level of performance in order to achieve a specific goal constantly assesses where they are in relation to where they want to be. This is to ensure that available resources are being utilized optimally at all time.

Our Biggest Financial Challenges are often Self-Inflicted

In many respects, people can be their own worst enemies in their quest for financial security. When you consider that our lives are nothing more than a culmination of the decisions we make each day, if we tend to make more bad decisions than good decisions, or worse, if we can’t make decisions at all, it’s should be no surprise when financial security  remains elusive.

How to Build a Realistic Budge and Stick with it

At the core of any successful financial enterprise, be it a household or a business, is a sound an effective budget plan that is used to drive all cash flow decisions, large and small, on a daily basis.

Asset Allocation: The Key to Long-Term Investment Returns

Watching the roller coaster ride of the stock market can make many investors queasy.  Even though the stock market has, historically, always trended up, investors can’t help but feel uneasy as they watch the values of their portfolios rise and fall with the market.

Financial Lessons For Your Teen

The 4 Keys to Effective Investment Diversification

At its core, diversification is deliberate uncertainty recognizing that it is difficult to know with particular subset of an asset class, or sector is likely to outperform another. Broad diversification, done effectively, seeks to capture the returns of different types of investments over time but with less volatility at any one time.

The 4 Essential Elements of a Retirement Plan

Until recently, many retirees have been able to rely upon the three-legged stool of retirement income sources: A defined benefit pension plan that guarantees a lifetime income, their own savings, and Social Security.

Year-End Tax Planning Begins Now

With the holiday season looming, it’s not too soon to do your year-end tax planning. One of the consequences of achieving financial success is that, what was once a relatively straightforward tax return increasingly becomes more involved as more tax issues come into the picture.

Should You Take Early Social Security Retirement Benefits?

Most people are aware that they can begin collecting their Social Security retirement payout at age 62, and, in doing so, they are informed that they will be collecting a reduced benefit. And most people also know that, the longer they wait to collect benefits, they will receive a higher monthly benefit.

The Daily Choices of Financial Freedom

If given the choice, most people would choose financial freedom over financial servitude. Who doesn’t want to be financially independent where their money is working for them as opposed to them working for money?

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